Ofsted Reports
The British School has been judged to be a GOOD school.
Pupils enjoy coming to school. They have positive attitudes to their learning. They attend well. Pupils enjoy the experiences that the school provides within its planned curriculum, including visits, themed weeks and days.
Leaders have high expectations of all pupils. Staff know and understand their pupils well. They want them to succeed. Pupils behave and conduct themselves well around the school.
Pupils cooperate and value each other. They work well together in lessons. They understand the importance of equality and diversity. Pupils state that ‘differences are not a big thing for us’. They are respectful and given opportunities to reflect on their beliefs and those of others. They say, ‘We can’t not respect what different people think’.
Pupils feel safe. They know that the adults in school care about them and that there is always someone to talk to if they are worried. Pupils say that bullying does not happen often but, when it does, it is dealt with quickly and stops.
Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports, and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
Department for Education School performance table